Non player.
I got a guy in my league that doesn't want to play and his shopping his two non drops for stupid stuff. His non drops are megatron and aj. I've done vetoed offers like both for Forsett and both for romo. If I kick this guy mid season what happens to his team. He done said he's dropping the rest of his team stafford, dalton, Jennings Watkins. What can I do about this other than kick his ass haha also it's a espn league
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    Dirk Dirkowitz (411 Reputation Points)
    I think the fairest thing is to lock his team at the point where he decided to quit. He doesn't have to play, but nobody should get an advantage from him quitting.
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    Sean Leto (552 Reputation Points)
    Tough question. You almost have to consider vetoing those players from play completely. No trade is going to work if he is planning to drop from league. Or, put all trade considerations to a league vote and make everyone decide what they think is fair. Almost only way to keep someone from loading up for almost nothing.
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    Ted Van Green (384 Reputation Points)
    well as commish you should be able to lock him from making moves(thats the way it is in yahoo if im not mistaken). So i would lock him so you can prevent his team from making moves
    Zack Donahue (250 Reputation Points)
    It's espn
    Ted Van Green (384 Reputation Points)
    idk what you can do then, im not a commish of an espn league. is this a public league?
    Zack Donahue (250 Reputation Points)
    No it's private with cash buy in
    Ted Van Green (384 Reputation Points)
    oh thats interesting that he wants to quit but anyway, if you cant lock his team then prohibit other teams from picking his players up. Or try to talk him out from dropping his players maybe
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